My story. Who I am. And why I want to buy a sailboat and sail around the world?

Growing up in San Diego California. Beautiful place with beautiful beaches. I always loved the beach! Unfortunately never really got to the beach much as a kid. As a teenager though, you couldn’t get me away. I just loved everything about the ocean. Me and my mom lived in an apartment in North Park in the inner city. Not too different than a lot of the city’s neighborhoods, endless blocks of giant apartment buildings. The amount of people per square mile is insane. Anything and everything is going on, always. I ended up getting into quite a bit of trouble through my teenage years. Great times.

As a young man I was always fascinated by art. I was always drawing as a child. I think it helped silence the loud roar of the turbulent life around me. Which later led to me branching out into, anything I could use to create. Ending my teenage years. I ended up meeting the woman of my dreams. Getting a degree in Graphic/Web Design & Multimedia. Getting married and having some beautiful children. Things were great. We were so young.  We broke up shortly after.

I was a weekend dad for awhile. And after some time, ended up with custody of my children. So for the next 17 years. I’m doing the single parent thing. Well I dated, but yeah still the single parent thing. I felt lucky to have them. I always tried to do my best. I love being a daddy. Even though I don’t know if i was cut out to be an only parent. I’m not gonna act like it was easy. But I was definitely blessed with great kids and every second was beyond worth it. I love my kids more than anything in the world!

Some pictures of me and my kids below (click pictures to enlarge). 

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I really just want to make sure I continue to inspire them, as they have inspired me there whole lives.

My dad was not in the picture much when I was growing up. So when it came to me being a single father, I was lost. I have my boy (Aaron Jr.) and my 2 girls (oldest Alyssa and youngest August). My mom worked a lot when I was growing up. And the streets of San Diego left me with unforgettable great times, but also with a few scars. 

My kids were getting older, to old to keep sharing rooms. And I found myself always working, missing out on so much. Cost of living is crazy. Did some serious thinking and choose to move. So I made some decisions, planned, prepared and we left to Kentucky. My kids fit in great it seemed. They were still in elementary school. Me, not so much. It was a huge culture shock for me, Small town Kentucky, from San Diego California. I was lost. 

I never left Kentucky except to visit San Diego. I never left because the kids did so well and I didn’t want them to be uprooted again. And I was finally moderately stable. We had things, A house with a yard, pets. They had their own rooms. Things were good. Being a graphic/web designer. I have an office job. Normal. Same computer, same chair same room everyday. After work, get kids straight to sports practice or gym. Then home to cook, homework, laundry. This is me, on life’s routine, kids need routine. I love being a daddy. But deep inside, everyday I miss San Diego.

Well I woke up the other day and realized my kids are not kids anymore. They are young adults now. I am so proud of them. And sad inside at the same time. I know it’s time for me to let them go, and accept the fact they are becoming adults. Following your passions and chasing your dreams, are important! I really just want to make sure I continue to inspire them, as they have inspired me there whole lives.

I Love You, Aaron, Alyssa & August.

following your passion

unwritten story

I am so beyond proud of them. But slowly realizing, I’m at a crossroad in life.

Well as we all know, time flies. My youngest (August) is now 19, my son (Aaron Jr.) is (20) and oldest (Alyssa) is 22. Within about a year. They all got there own places and embarking on there own lives. I am so happy, and sad at the same time. Watching them, I remember the excitement of being young with an unwritten story. Makes me think of my life? What should I do? What is my purpose now? Almost 15 years, at the same computer, same chair same room. But when I come home now. The kids are doing there own dinners, at there own places. I am so beyond proud of them. But slowly realizing I’m at a crossroad in life. Asking myself some questions for the first time. Who am I? What do I do now?

she pushes me to break away from my routine

She is a traveling, loving, free soul.

I am a passionate, hardworking loner.

This is my girlfriend Katie. With good humor she fights my routine daily, and pushes me to be a better person. She is a traveling, loving, free soul. I am a passionate, hardworking, loner with a schedule. She wants to plan get-ways & vacations. For me it’s easier said than done. Work don’t like vacations.

So my thought is, maybe it’s time to try something new?